NLP for Social Good: A Survey with Use-Cases

About this event

Today, a large spectrum of NLP models have been developed covering various fields ranging from already-usual-for-everyday web search, to helpers for programmers to write code. However, quite a few of the modern NLP technologies were explored in terms of their application for social good.


Daryna Dementieva ><

Daryna Dementieva is a post-doc researcher at Social Research Computing Lab in TUM. Previously, she finished her PhD in Skoltech University under the supervision of Prof. Alexander Panchenko with the topic “Methods for Fighting Harmful Multilingual Textual Content”. In general, Daryna’s research is connected with different applications of NLP for Social Good. During her PhD, she worked with topics of fake news detection and text detoxification. Moreover, she participated in several competitions and hackathons wrapping obtained raw NLP models into product demonstrations. Daryna would like to inspire with her studies research and development of NLP-based products for real-life applications with positive impact.